Welcome to Gulf Beach Presbyterian Church
Our Mission is to be a place where the community can come together in Christ and provide, through God and His word, love, comfort and joy to all.
We're thrilled to have you visit Gulf Beach Presbyterian Church online! Our website showcases the exciting array of worship, fellowship, and service opportunities we offer. Dive in to learn more about our vibrant community, or better yet, come see us in person! We can't wait welcome you and share our love for Christ and for you, our neighbor.
Online giving is a breeze! Just click the convenient Give Now button or scan the QR code. You can even designate your online contribution!
Church office hours:
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9 AM to 1 PM
Office phone: 850-234-3161
Email: gulfbeachpres@gmail.com
Pastor Askew's Office Hours:
Wednesdays from 10 AM to 2 PM
Weekly at Gulf Beach:
Adult Sunday School: 8:00am
Sunday Morning Worship: 9:15 a.m.
Food Pantry
The community Food Pantry is open M, W, F from 9am-noon. You will need photo ID and proof you live on the beach.
The location of the Food Pantry is
271 S. Highway 79 PCB 32413
Adult Sunday School
Sunday school is at 8:00am in a room in the
Preschool wing. Everyone is invited and we will be studying: John’s gospel, the story of Jesus, the Messiah and the Son of God.
Wednesday prayer group
This group meets together on Zoom at 1:00pm. Please contact Sandy Young (678-522-6481) if you would like join this group.
Fellowship Walking Group
Every Tuesday Morning Bible Study & Walk at 7:00 am meet at Aaron Bessant Park in the parking lot. Everyone is welcome.
Celebrating 75 years
Our Mission
To be a place where the community can come together in Christ and provide, through God and his Word, love, comfort, and joy to all.
Our Vision
Transforming Lives by the Love of Christ Jesus through Witness, Mission, and Evangelism.
Monthly Happenings:
is celebrated the 1st Sunday of each month during worship.
Fellowship Luncheon-
Last Sunday of the Month
Join us for a potluck luncheon following Worship service, the last Sunday of each month. Gulftreat Family Center.
The Women of the Church Evening Bible Study
Meets the first Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Come and enjoy dinner and bible study.
The Session of Gulf Beach Presbyterian Church
Michael Askew, Pastor-850-980-3307
Mike Burke, Elder- 850-624-9793
Richard Clubb, Elder-850-723-0831
Sarah Waby, Elder-850-708-5328
Molley Allen, Elder- 850-234-1040
Beth Reedy Elder- 850-xxx-xxxx
Lenny Zacher, Elder- 850-867-3770
Ken Wagner, Elder- 850-234-3161